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Comment and News for Landlords, Tenants, Property Owners and those interested in the commercial property market

Neil Wild keeps an eye on property related news and shares his views on issues affecting property, real estate, landlords, tenants and the communities in which we work. Neil has worked in commercial property for 30 years with his property knowledge covering much of England. In particular his experience in Banbury and the surrounding areas such as Bicester as well as Oxford and the market towns of Wantage and Wallingford has provided insight in all markets including retail, office, industrial and warehousing. His work in town centres where he has represented many stakeholders to facilitate town centre improvements and support for town businesses has led Neil to become a member of the Institute of Place Management. Neil’s role as Chair of the Banbury and District Chamber of Commerce provides a thorough grounding of the issues of interest to local businesses.

New Rateable Values Announced

01 October 2016
You will need to input your post code and the website shows Current RV and Draft 2017 RV. This is first time for some years the RVs have been re-valued nationally and will mean changes since the last valuation in 2008 will be reflected.

Neil Wild speaker at Oxfordshire High Streets Conference

01 October 2016
In July Flashop UK Ltd and People & Places hosted the Oxfordshire High Streets Conference. It took place for a day in the growing town of Bicester

Stamp duty changes from 1 April 2016

15 March 2016
A helpful link to explain the changes applicable from 1 April 2016

Here Neil suggests reform is required in the Business Rates rules for Listed Buildings.

15 April 2016
Business rates is a complex area. Start explaining it to someone and you can see their eyes glaze over! Business rates frequently crops up with my work on town centre retail property so I've developed something of an understanding.

Pop up shops working to help the property market in Wallingford

28 April 2016
Neil is continuing his work in Wallingford (South Oxon) to encourage new business and add diversity to the town's retail provision.

Neil Wild facilitates re-use of two Banbury town centre shops for pop up art exhibition and workshops.

01 October 2016
Each of the last three years the Banbury and Bicester College, part of Activate Learning, hold their end of year student shows in the town centre.